Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

karang di pantai G-Land ini termasuk karang yang indah. kenapa? karena bentuk dari karang ini unik. karang ini juga sulit ditemui dipantai-pantai lain. karang ini tidak banyak keberadaannya. biasanya karang ini terseret ombak jika air sedang pasang.
The G-Land are also many that were floating eagle looking for prey. This bird is usually on the prowl in the woods or at sea. bird food is usually a snake or fish in the sea. These birds are huge when viewed up close and very small when seen from afar.
karang di pantai G-Land ini termasuk karang yang indah. kenapa? karena bentuk dari karang ini unik. karang ini juga sulit ditemui dipantai-pantai lain. karang ini tidak banyak keberadaannya. biasanya karang ini terseret ombak jika air sedang pasang.
This is the G-Land is termed usingfoldersif you want to come heredo not have to worry or fear ofgetting lostThis map was made tofacilitate the guests who want to come to G-Land.
although G-Land is located in the woods and the dark, you definitely think there is no electricity. Here there is no electricity, but here wearing a very large generator with enormous power. so you do not have to worry anymore when the need for readily available electricity generators.
The G-Land no restaurantThe restaurant provides a variety of foodsfor example like this foodfish soup made ​​chef at G-Land is very tasty and very, very deliciousif you want the food you can come directly to G-Land.

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Lizard of G-land

The G-Land is still a lot of available animals - animals whose populations are declining. any animal here is always maintained. the people here have always loved animals and never hurt an animal. if you want to see the other animals, you can just come here and see it

Safety Facilities

The G-Land remains first aid in the event of minor and major accidents. Here standby teams using helicopters that have been provided by the G-Land. so if you need help here was always ready.

Peacock at G-land

The G-Land there are still awake peacock population. The peacock is very awake and very well maintained. What if there were guests from overseas are very fond of these animals. we also have to keep fellow animals of our own country.